Its been so unexpected for me to be choose for interview for INSTEP intake by Petronas
For me to have this one in a life time opportunity or should i say (life changing opportunity )
is a bless , and yes there is no such thing as luck when it comes for a JOB
and yes its way to sudden when Petronas give the result at 14 DEC meanwhile the Interview Date is on 16 Dec ,
its been so hard and stressful moment for me , when i already apply my Leave for a family trip at kundasang .
and yeah , i do cancel my trip and i choose to go for Interview instead , at 1st i really dont have any idea what this intake about .
but i feel so glad that there is my friend`s husband who work at Petronas and enter Petronas trough INSTEP willing to share his experience . thank you bro , you`re the best, he tell me everything that i need to know about what should i do , what should i wear and yes the common question that been frequently asked in the interview .
apart from the interview part , he also gimme a simple lecture about Petronas i mean, something that Petronas always do , the always do the charity things , aspiring people and a lot of things that made me feel more interest in Petronas
Ok Stop there , This is The Main Part The experience that i gone trough mean while at The Interview Session from The Start till the end of the Interview . and TIPS
- Research On Petronas history, INSTEP , their Oil Platform in Your current State
- Know The Petrol with subsidies currency for our Country
- Study about the Course That they provide in INSTEP
- Prepare all of your Resume and certificate
- Print Your interview`s Offer Letter
- Learn Petronas shared Values
- Practice Speech about your introduction in front of the mirror
- Current and latest news (flash flood or earthquake for example , )
TIPS Dressing For Government INTERVIEW
- Your Hair need to look neat and short (comb it nicely )
- wear slack pant (no jeans or black skinny )
- wear plain shirt with no strips will be more preferable
- wear a matching neck tie with shirt
- proper black shoes (not sport shoes )
- lounge suit can be used ( wear it with a matching pant)
- don`t use to much cologne ( the smell will disturb the panel )
- No earings and don`t forget to wear matching belt with the pant )
The appearance will Effect your score for the interview session (takes 30% out of the interview score )
1st of all when you got there
- they will Assemble all the Participant in 1 place to Take Their attendance
- At Registration You need to Bring your IC and your Interview Offer Letter To be validate
- Simple Briefing on the hall about INSTEP and Courses
- Then , There is a simple Test For all of the Candidate 100 question in 40 minutes ( include English , Add math , physic , mechanical , visual , electrical , and situation question) [tips : think fast , be logic and answer the easiest question 1st!]
- after done with the test past then they call 10 person per entry for interview
- the interview session is around 15-30 minutes depends on the interviewer .
- when i enter the panel room i start with " salam and morning greet "(dont sit until they said so )
- handover your Resume and all of your certificate to them .(Please Bring The Original one)
- then they ask about your personal background ( Intro with English , but in the middle of the interview section you can use malay if you find its hard to explain or elaborate your ideas )
- Try to be Humble as you can (you`re seeking a job , not to brag about yourself, yes you can but not too much )
- Then They ask about , Why you want to work with petronas ?, why you want to quit your current job?, and what sport do you play at collage and current ?, why Petronas need to take you? the last question they ask is what Course do you interest?( No answer will be provide in this blog hehe)
- then they gonna handover your resume back and rate your interview performance
6. Go out from the Panel room and scream like a boss "Owww Yeaa"
7. wait the result like a drug eddict haha ( im jokking )
here is the rate for Petronas ( someone Told me about this)
30% = Interview
70% = Instep Test
so all depends on the test that i do in the early part of the session , wish me luck and if any of you got choose to attend the interview please go ,
When you got selected , all of your study fees will be sponsored by Petronas, and the give allowance RM 250 per month when you still in instep . as far as i remember what the panel say during the briefing sessions .
Good luck to those who already go to interview !!
insyaalllah i will met you there! Peace by Pandamond!

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