23 March 2011

How To Jogging (healthy Tips)

Hello people , Today i would like to share some Useful Tips , Yes! How To jogging Properly ,
enjoy~ :)  

1. Find a pair of shoes that are comfortable and provide adequate support. If necessary, visit a store that specializes in running equipment for advice. Any store that carries proper running shoes will also carry proper running attire. Running shorts are not necessary and can be a tad uncomfortable for someone who is not used to shorts that are so short, but if you are willing to buy a couple pairs, you will so find the added freedom a must.

2. 2
Set your goals. Figure out what level of commitment that you are comfortable with and what amount of time and energy you want to commit to running. No matter what your goal is, since you are not used to running, you need to start small, slow, and build up.

3. 3
Decide whether you want to run outdoors or indoors on a treadmill. Running outdoors will provide an excellent variety of scenery, routes, and terrain, but will cause added strain on your knees and shins (the very front part of your lower legs). This is due to the hardness of concrete -- to avoid this, look for cushioned shoes, or run on grass, which will reduce the impact. Running indoors will be more dull and tedious for longer runs, as a treadmill doesn't go anywhere. It will obviously require treadmill access, either at a gym or at home, which will significantly increase the cost of running. Furthermore, you will not get as complete a workout as the treadmill will be doing a good deal of the work for you (the pushing motion that is normally reserved for the hamstring is being assisted by the pulling motion of the treadmill.)

4. 4
Stretch before and after you run to decrease odds of injury. When stretching make sure to stretch the important muscle groups in running - arms, calves, hamstrings, quads and glutes.

5. 5
Take a friend with you. Find a friend who also wants to get in shape,and start jogging with him.

6. 6
Run every day. This is crucial to building up the habit. If you feel the need for a day off, take off Sunday, or every other Sunday, making it the last day of your training week. If you start feeling tired from day to day, shorten one of your runs or take a run at a slower pace. You'll feel better the next day, better than if you'd taken the day off. Also, keep your mileage recorded, either on paper or on line.

7. 7
Enjoy what you've started. You are developing a life style that is rewarding both physically and emotionally. You have the opportunity to make new friends and to be proud of the shape your body is in.

• Don't get discouraged if you aren't getting great results immediately. It takes time to build up endurance and for your body to adjust to the new activity. But, running is the only sport where hard work will guarantee improvement.
 •Have flexibility when it comes to planning your workouts as your energy levels and performance will vary from day to day.
• Listen to music to keep motivated and pass the time while running.
• Buy a pedometer to keep track of your progress.
• The most important thing - Enjoy it. Running is wonderful.
• On the run itself, start off slow. Even the best of runners warm-up at a pace much slower than their main run. After you begin to feel comfortable in a run, then you can begin to pick up the pace so as to get an actual workout or burn some real calories, whatever the case may be.

• Run with caution during winter months as cold weather and icy surfaces can lead to injury.
• Running in the summer months can be equally dangerous. You should definitely hydrate more in these months than you would in the winter, because the heat will cause you to sweat more.
• Conversely, do not over hydrate in the summer months. Taking too much water can cause a sodium imbalance which is just as dangerous as dehydration. Investing in sports drinks is a good idea, as long as water is taken with them.
• Never increase your mileage by more than roughly 15% each week If you start out running 14 miles your first week (two miles a day), the next week, run about 16 miles. This helps prevent injury and feelings of frustration. It is also a better faster and easier way to get fit (instead of having large jumps in mileage)

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